Getting in touch with the younger crowd has always been a troublesome obstacle for pastors around the country. But with today’s technological advancements, many of them now think they have found a solution. An increasing group of pastors are bravely toting their doctrine and teachings to the blogosphere with the intent to get individuals to closely examine their thoughts and beliefs about revelation. Blogging has grown into an important part of many of these pastors’ ministries as they try to amass membership in the church, as well as give potential attendees and the congregation a more personal view of their pastor by letting them catch a glance into their daily family life. Here is a list of pastors that have been offering a real view into their lives, as well as their teachings, in hopes to provide profoundness into their ministry.
Church Planting & Growth
Trying to establish a church can test any pastor’s faith. Get some encouragement and advice from other pastors that have either accomplished or are in the process of planting a church.

2. Summit Church – JD Greear – J.D. Greear, Ph.D. pastors a fast developing church of 4000 members. He is devoted to planting new churches and currently has done so for 12 around the world.
3. Church Leader Insights – Church Leader Insights is a blog based on the bi-weekly newsletter that emphasizes on church growth, church planting, evangelism, leadership, and much more.
4. History in the Making Read thoughts and tips from Ben Arment. He and his wife are former church planters with many years of experience. He is the founder of The Whiteboard Sessions.
5. The Reformed Pastor – Read these opinions of a church planter, striving to start a fresh Evangelical Presbyterian congregation in Lorton, Virginia. He has frequently occurring out takes on Christian beliefs and how they have an effect on life in today’s society.
6. Tim Chester – A unique approach is taken on sharing lives as a community instead of using rules and guidelines. They have a specific voice in the developing church campaign.
7. Live Free – Trying to assist as voice of the scriptures, this pastor provides words of grace, truth, honesty, and significant support on planting a church and a strong community.
8. Matt Payne – Matt Payne offers some thoughts and creative problem solving when it comes to starting a church in Beaverton, Oregon.
Youth Pastors & Ministries
Blogs by youth pastors can give new members a chance to become familiar with who it is that is teaching their children and the subject’s matters that are important to them.

10. – For 12 years, Sam Luce has have been the children’s pastor at Mt. Zion Ministries Church in Utica, NY. He is faithfully dedicated to empowering local churches to help kids receive Christ.
11. – A collaboration of conceptions, answers, and tactics for current youth pastors. A source to trade ideas and discussions as well as connect to other youth ministry pastors.
12. matt mckee live – Matt Mckee has no problem relaying his musings on ministry, marketing, family, and whatever else he feels might be relevant at the time.
13. Just Pudge – Pudge Huckaby knows he is young with a lot to learn. He professed that everything we read on his blog was prompted by God therefore he would be sinning to hold it inside.
14. My Krazy Kidmin Life Dan Scott has created a great assembly of of his contemplations and comprehensions of leading his life in youth ministry.
15. Justyn’s Blog – Learn from children’s pastor Justyn Smith posts from his blog. He also consults and gives his affirmations on leadership in kids ministry.
16. Children’s Ministry and Culture – An all in one blog to educate yourself on upcoming news and trends that influence youth ministry. Stay updated on events that will change how you look at church, ministry, and the kids you want to connect with.
17. The Life of Adam – Adam Reed is the Middle School Youth Pastor at Prince Avenue Baptist Church. Travel with him on his journey of life, family, and fellowship.
18. Rethinking Youth Ministry – This blog is authored by Brian and Jacob, both ministers in the Christian Church. Both of them are inspired about rethinking ministry with youth from a progressive Christian point of view.
Leadership & Vision
These blogs focus on giving pastors the leadership and vision needed to follow along the path that God has chosen for them.

20. – is the leadership blog of, written by Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor, and Bobby Gruenewald, Pastor and innovative leader. Their main purpose is to share and gain knowledge from leaders who are passionate about reaching people through the word of Christ.
21. jesus the radical pastor – From mentoring in Europe to his devotion to the mission community, this pastor is overcome be the Gospels. He has been in pastoral ministry since 1975 and has also taught at the Moody Bible Institute.
22. Bocks Blog – Dr. Darrell Bock is Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Insert Dallas Theological Seminary. His blog has hundreds of leadership advice and resources.
23. The Village Church – Matt Chandler is the pastor at The Village Church in Highland Village, Texas. He has recently been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. His posts offer insight as his beliefs are being tested.
24. Scott Hodge – From the head pastor of The Orchard Community in Aurora, IL. This is a mission based church community traveling together to become make a difference both locally and globally.
25. Missional Church Network Provides hope to those pastors who want to see the church regain its missionary nature and participate in God’s purpose.
26. Steven Furtick – Pastor Steven Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is an uncommon blog that is updated constantly with helpful leadership information.
27. Perry Noble – Learn from Perry Noble, Senior Pastor of New Spring Church, located in Anderson, SC. You will like his vision on leadership, creativity, and anything else that he feels is important to write about.
28. Life as I Experience It – Read this pastors commentary on life, leadership, faith, and God and how it pertains to the problems we face in today’s world.
29. Worship Matters – A place for leading worship by Bob Kauflin. He has more than 25 years of knowledge related to worshiping and leading. He gives helpful insights, help, and tools for pastors.
Technology, Diversity, & Creativity
Learn how pastors are actively utilizing and implementing technology for the use of spreading the word to their congregations according to Jesus Christ.

31. Todd Hiestand – Read these ideas and thoughts from a pastor and freelance web designer located in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
32. Shaun in the City – Shaun is the Lead Pastor of The Courageous Church. You will be inspired by his opinions on diversity starting on his exciting path for his new church in the heart of Atlanta.
33. - This blogger has deep roots in the Church as well as a vast career in the tech industry. You´ll find faith and some innovative ways to tell spread God’s News.
34. Phil Ressler – This pastor is open when it comes to sharing how he is using technology to work with youth ministry. He also adds some details on creativity, communication, ministry, and technology in the near future.
35. Rich Kirkpatrick’s Weblog – Blogging, social media, and music and culture flow with this pastors work in ministry and real life. He is currently a worship leader and pastor at Sunridge Community Church in Temecula, California.
36. Worship in HD – A social network created especially to help pastors and churches connect with each other as well as create a better worshiping experience.
Gospel & Culture
These blogs focus on the relationship between the gospel and how it relates to our culture.
37. Big is the New Small– Scott Williams is the Campus Pastor for the Northwest Oklahoma City Campus of After spending more than 13 years as a prison warden, his blog is furnished with expressions, and the occasional outburst with some leadership along the way.
38. Reflections on faith, politics, and society – Tom Ryberg views Christianity in a more progressively and socially active way. He also recognizes that people are different and have various goals than his which is important to diversity.
39. Without Wax – Pete Wilson is one of the pastors at Cross Point Church. He has in depth views on today’s culture and the challenges it makes for churches today.
40. Nakedpastor – David Hayward claims to be an artist trapped in an pastor’s body. His comics bring humor and enlightenment to the space between today’s culture and the scriptures.
41. Life Here and There – This is the blog of Brandon Cox. He writes about being a Christian and a Pastor to Bethel Baptist Church in Bentonville, Arkansas.
42. The Least Read Blog on the Web – A pastors variety of depictions involving everything from religion to movies and video games. Through all this you can see his purpose and vision he has about God.
43. The Church of No People – This blog is full of all the messages that didn’t make it to the pulpit. This pastor writes like he has a church congregation of no one so speaking his mind is never off limits
44. Small Town Pastor – This Sr. Pastor of First Christian Church of Versailles chooses not to use his blog as a platform for preaching. The goal is to begin discussion on multiple issues that affect the community, church, and the world around it.
Women Pastors
Here are a few blogs by women pastors. More and more they are starting to lead churches and be impressionable voices in the community.

46. Women in Ministry – For 2 years Cheryl Schatz has researched the Bible’s position on a woman’s freedom to teach the scriptures as well as meaningful historical facts that open up the difficult passages of scripture that are related to women in ministry.
47. – Kendra Golden writes about a different chapter of the Bible each and every day. She is an inspiration and a communicator of knowledge and hope to women pastors everywhere.
48. Anna Light Ministries – Anna Light serves as a youth pastor for the Northwest Campus of Anna Light Ministries was created on the basis of helping individuals face their insecurities and open their hearts to God.
Resources & Teachings
Get some valuable resources and smart teachings by reading the posts from these pastors.
49. Sovereign Grace Ministries Blog– Theofficial blog of Sovereign Grace Ministries. Here you will find notes and information from C.J. Mahaney, as well as news about churches, music, and books amongst others.
50. The Lifeway Research Blog – Ed Stetzer is presently a teaching pastor of First Baptist Church of Hendersonville, Tenessee. He updates his blog almost every day and provides you with strong resources.
51. Desiring God – Everything about this blog aims to spread the love and joy of Jesus Christ through unique teachings. John Piper is the Pastor for Preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
52. The Resurgence Blog – The Resurgence is a campaign of many generations to live for Jesus so that they can effectively reach their communities by staying Biblically faithful.
53. The Simple Pastor – Learn to Christian faith through discovering a richer, deeper way of living rooted in your beliefs.
54. Oversight of Souls – Excellent conversations on pastoral ministry. Ask yourself what your ministry is really about and think about how to live it out in the fundamental ways of society.
55. Fresh Manna by Tim Burt – Fresh Manna is a daily devotional and online Bible Study with Pastor Tim Burt that will teach you in aiding yourself to grow spiritually and bring the true meaning of God to your soul .
For most pastors, many of your posts are only a tiny hint into the big picture of your ministry and leadership. But if you do happen to maintain a blog that is both compelling and personal, it can be a very significant hint for both yourself and the members of your church.