In this article you will find a summary of issues relating to attending a Christian college or university in order to help you make the right decision for you.
What types of programs and degrees are available at online Christian colleges:
A.A., A.S.: Associate’s Degree – An associate’s degree takes anywhere from 18 months to two years to complete. This degree type teaches skills and trades to students to prepare them for a career in a specific industry.
B.A, B.S.: Bachelor’s Degree – The bachelor’s degree typically takes four years of school and establishes you as an entry level job prospect with a specialized education.
M.A, M.S.: Master’s Degree – A master’s degree is acquired after two years of intense subject studying. A bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite for master’s degree programs.
What are the experience/degree requirements to obtain an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree from an online Christian college?
A high school diploma, ACT or SAT scores and a completed application are all things you need to begin your college education at any accredited school. Christian colleges usually play by the same rules as other public and private universities.
An associate’s degree requires the completion of about 60 credit hours. Depending on the pace you choose, earning an associate’s degree can happen in as little as 18 months.
A bachelor’s degree requires the completion of approximately 120 credit hours and four years time. A master’s degree takes about two years on top of a completed bachelor’s degree.
There may be ministry certification requirements for different state and local governments or church bodies after graduation.
What salary and careers are available to students with a degree majoring in Christianity-related jobs?
Students interested in Christianity-oriented careers can chose from a variety of job paths. Christian counseling, ministry or Christian education are just some of the options for students.
Generally, most Christian-related jobs pay better in spiritual and emotional rewards than money you put into the bank. But if this is your career of choice, money is probably not at the top of the totem pole anyway. According to, a church minister makes from $37,000 to nearly $45,000 based on experience.
Resources for Online Christian College Students
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities – The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities is an international non-profit association for Christian higher education institutes founded in 1976. The Web site provides loads of information on Christian colleges, careers and news.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 – The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides people with vast resources on career information and job outlooks as well as job markets by state and job searching tips.
Christian Career Center – Search this site’s Christian job bank for your dream job after you’ve earned your degree or look for part-time experience while you attend college online.