Applying to Online Christian Colleges

    Once you have decided on an accredited online Christian college that is well-suited to your particular educational needs, it is time to begin the application process. The process might seem a little daunting at first, especially if you are also filling out accompanying, multiple-page financial aid forms. However, with a little help from your university’s enrollment counselors and advisors (and perhaps a friend who has been through the process before), you should be able to get your questions answered, enroll in the college and register for your first online classes at a Christian college.

    Before the Application Process

    • Keep track of the application deadline(s) for the Christian college(s) you wish to attend, and plan to complete the application(s) in the appropriate timeframe.
    • Make sure you have official copies of transcripts you have from high school or any accredited colleges you attended in the past. These official transcripts should be sealed in your previous college’s own sealed envelope, which you (or they) will eventually forward unopened to your Christian college(s) of choice. This will let your school know your previous academic records.
    • Prepare to pay an application fee. Fee amounts vary from school to school and are typically nonrefundable.
    • Have your official SAT and/or ACT scores handy.

    The Application Process

    Many online Christian colleges have a streamlined process allowing potential students to fill out their application online. To do this, you may be asked to register with the school’s website. Typical information the college will need on an application is your name, Social Security number, contact information, birthday and citizenship information. You will also need to enter in what degree program you are interested in pursuing and your SAT/ACT scores.

    In addition to supplying basic information, you will also have to fulfill other requirements for admission by writing an essay and separately describing your work experience, academic honors and extracurricular/volunteer activities. You can check out a sample application here.

    Many people find the essay to be the most intimidating part of the application process. However, there are many resources available to help students write them. One of the best resources is the College Board, which gives pointers on writing college essays. Some examples of online Christian colleges’ essay topics are “What are your strengths and how will they help you at this university?” or “Describe your perspectives on life and morality. How will they contribute to the university’s mission?”