Cutting the Costs of Post Secondary Education Online
We’ve all heard the saying and perhaps experienced the truth in the phrase rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Digging below the quip, one of the major causes of generational income inequality is that the poor and increasingly the middle class do not have access to the education that is so easily available…
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What are the top Christian online college degrees?
In this article we provide summaries and recommendations of the top Christian online college degrees, and provide links where you can request free information from these schools.
Finding an accredited Christian college online
Is the Christian college you’re interested in accredited? Is it nationally accredited or regionally, and does that matter? We answer these questions and much more in this article.
Media Information
Online Christian Colleges .net is a website built and maintained to serve the Christian student community. We strive to be THE online resource for Christian students considering their educational options. To that end, we provide balanced information weighing the costs and benefits of a Christian educational environment as well as information specific to the online…
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